How To Reframe Your Problem

Problems rarely go away on their own.
My daughter and I have a similar view of math: we want it to go away forever.
I knew in 3rd grade I wasn’t going to be a math teacher. Yet, here I sat, trying to teach my third grader to understand fractions at 7:00 a.m. while trying to get down my first cup of coffee.
(The challenge was compounded by the fact that the state of Indiana has a new math curriculum, and even my “genius of numbers” husband struggles to understand it.)
As I tried to help Mackenzie explore solutions, she would immediately spout, “we can’t do that” and “no that’s not how you do it!” I realized that she had already programmed her mind to reject incoming information, and she was choosing not to listen or explore. I recognized that she was stuck on the problem, and also stuck on her reaction.
“Listen!” I said firmly.
She looked at me like I just stomped on her big toe. I told her that we needed to change the way we were looking at the problem, which had a ridiculous amount of words that clouded the equation. The actual problem involved a line that equaled 8 steps, and 5 had been taken. The goal was to decide how many steps were left, then turn it into a fraction.
I had her imagine that she was the person in the equation taking those steps. Once she looked at the problem differently, she was able to solve the problem and create the appropriate fraction. It was simple.
You can do the same thing with your problem.
We become stuck because we choose not to listen to other alternatives. We also stay stuck because we zoom in too close to the problem and live it in the moment.
Moving past the problem is possible if you are willing to reframe it. The key words here are
Choose to be Willing
I explain one way you can reframe your problem in my video blog. Watch this 3 minute mini-teach here:
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Angela Nuttle is an author, speaker, talent remodeler®, and consultant in talent and organizational development. As founder of The School of Executive Presence™, she teaches business people how to show up with executive presence and coaches them to business success. As CEO of The Corporate Talent Institute, she works directly with CEOS, Business Leaders, and HR Teams to develop people, potential, and processes that create productive and profitable business environments.