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The Overly Productive Woman -Recorded Video Sessions for Women

Session #1 May 25
Session #2 June 1
Session #3 June 8
Session #4 June 15

Here is the information you need to participate in each interactive session:


You can log in from your computer:


Online Visual Session Link: Online Meeting ID: 731-002-717


For audio listeners, dial in:

Dial into conference: 712-775-7031

Access code: 731-002-717


or Join Facebook Live here:


Each call will be held on Thursdays at 9 p.m. eastern time and will last no longer that 1 hour.  After all, you do need your beauty rest.


Session 1:  Thursday, May 25 

Session 2:  Thursday, June 1

Session 3:  Thursday, June 8

Session 4:  Thursday, June 15



Session Recordings

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